Saturday, February 25, 2006

To the mall...

We made our first trip to the mall today. I did not brave it alone, Brent went with us. Most babies fall asleep in the car - not our girl. She's too smart for that. Her eyes were wide open the whole ride there. Our first stop was Target. She cried a bit in there so we made our stay there pretty short. Then we ventured across the street to the mall. At this point she did fall asleep. We walked around for a bit, actually ate in the food court, and managed to buy a few things before she woke up and got really pissed. On the ride home she pretty much started wailing. Overall, not a bad first outing. Let me just say that I love Old Navy baby clothes. When she gets a little older I am going to go a bit crazy in there. They have the cutest stuff for toddlers and it is very inexpensive. I bought her a little sun hat and some more onesies. She is still too small to fit in the cute dresses and outfits that she has. She lives in onesies and sleepers.

About formula, we are still using Enfamil, but we have tried a low-iron formula (didn't help) and now we are on to a lactose-free formula. I'm not sure that it will help either since so far she spits up most of it. With the original formula, she didn't spit up hardly at all. I think the lactose-free is thinner so it comes up a lot easier. Not to mention that she eats a TON of it since it probably doesn't fill her stomach up as much as the original stuff. She normally would eat about 4 ounces of the original, but with the lactose-free she downs almost 6! By 4 months old we would need a Big Gulp with a nipple on it to fill her up. I think I am going to end up going back to the original Enfamil and just deal with her fussy problems. I don't think they are formula-related, but just her demanding personality.

She was a month old on Thursday. I can't believe how fast it has gone. It is so cool to see the changes in her. She is focusing her eyes on things a lot more. I put her in her bouncy seat and while I'm walking around her eyes follow me. She is also holding her head up a lot better, but she still doesn't have much control over it. She has a fat head. Some of her onesies are getting snug on her. We tried to weigh her on our bathroom scale today and it said she weighed 9.7 lbs. It already hurts my back to hold her too long.

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