Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Fussy girl

Well, I think it's official - we have a fussy baby. Right now she is hanging out in her bouncy seat. It seems like lately if she's not eating or sleeping, then she's probably crying. I know that all babies cry, but she seems to like to do that a lot. She goes from content to screaming in the blink of an eye. Then we put a bottle in her mouth and she shuts up just as quick. I don't know if she's going through a growth spurt or what, but she loves to eat. It seems like all I do is make formula and wash bottles. We switched formulas to a low-iron formula to see if that helps with the fussiness. I doubt it, but figured it was worth a try. The best times are after she's done eating a big bottle. She gets this kind of drugged, sedated look on her face, and she just lays there in my arms staring at me. She reminds me of what I feel like after Thanksgiving dinner.

I should probably try to get some dinner while she's chillin in her seat. I am getting used to making dinner and then eating it cold 45 minutes to an hour later. I am also getting really good at performing tasks that normally take 2 hands with one hand.

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