Thursday, February 16, 2006

First Bath

Ava had her first real bath on Monday night. I don't think that she liked it very much, she cried pretty much the entire time. Brent couldn't wait to give her a bath. He's ready for her to start baby talk and crawling and playing. I think time is going by so fast, she's already almost a month old. She is getting so big already. I tried to weigh her on our scale and it said she was over 9.5 pounds! She is fitting into her clothes better too. Int he picture you can see her belly button, she has an innie!

Well, her sleeping patterns are becoming a real problem. Last night was pretty brutal. I got about an hour of sleep after being up since 5am the previous morning. Brent had to work last night, so I decided to start a little bedtime ritual. At 10pm I turned off the TV and most of the lights, and put on soft music. I washed her face and hands, changed her diaper and put her in a clean nightgown. Then I gave her a nice big bottle to fill her up. At 11pm we were still at it, not even close to being asleep. I rocked her, put her in her bouncy seat, nothing. At this point I was the one falling asleep. At midnight she actually started to doze off in her crib. She hates her bassinet, otherwise I would've put her in there. She slept in the crib until about 2 am and then she was awake again. I gave her more food and then she fell asleep with me on the couch. As soon as I went to put her down, she started crying. At that point I got Brent up to take over, and she fell asleep laying on his chest. At 6am when he put her down to go to work, she started crying. She just likes to be held. Sometimes that doesn't even work. Last night was the first time she slept in her crib. I am terrified of SIDS so I was hoping she would sleep in her bassinet in our room for at least a couple of months, but she hates it in there. She'll sleep on our bed but I can't sleep with her in there. Is she too young to sleep in her crib? She looks so small in there. I hope we get this figured out soon because it is really hard on all of us.

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