Sunday, February 26, 2006

Gotta love Walmart

Oh yes you do. I'll be the first to admit that they are an evil giant, but when you need something - anything - at 3am, where can you turn? That's right - Walmart.

While I was pregnant, Brent was set on getting a glider. I was the one saying no, we wouldn't need it, they are too expensive, blah blah blah. The ones we saw at Burlington, Target, etc. were expensive, around $300 or $400. I am cheap, okay? So it was a no go on getting a glider.

However, 5 weeks of feeding this baby while standing up or sitting on the couch had me begging Brent to get us a glider. So, we were shopping around, and one day while I was at the beloved Walmart, there it was. A perfectly nice glider and ottoman, for $90!! You're probably thinking that for being that cheap it must surely be a piece of crap. Well, you're wrong. Brent went and bought it today and we set it up and it is awesome. We love it. We put it in Ava's room by the window and it is just perfect. Sure, the cushions could be a little cushier, but that is my only complaint.

It matches our furniture perfectly as well. I thought we wouldn't need one, but I would advise any pregnant woman that you really must have a glider or rocker. It is so worth it. I was willing to pay $200 or $300 for one, but to find one for $90 that is just as good made me so happy! Walmart rocks!

So do my in-laws for making us dinner tonight!

Ava and her Daddy testing it out.

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