Friday, September 28, 2007

Back to Normal

Ava must have read what I wrote last night, because today she was wonderful. She was great all day and when we went out to dinner she was awesome. I wish it was always that way when we went out. Not that she is bad usually, but tonight she was perfect.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ever try these? They are the best cookie ever. Don't look at the nutritional info, you won't like it. They are so chocolate-y you can only eat 2 at a time anyway.

Ava has been so bratty lately. She is having some major mood swings, and I don't quite understand them. Last week she was happy and really good. This week she is happy one minute and throwing a fit the next. She has started this phony crying thing that gets on my nerves so bad, and she drags it out too. Brent says she's just being a typical girl, but I am not sure. I am almost worried, because she seems so moody. She has a really runny nose so I'm thinking she has a minor cold and just doesn't feel good. I just hope it passes soon.

We got rained out of Bush Gardens last weekend, so we ended up back at the Florida Aquarium. Ava was great that day. She is usually great in general. When we go out to eat she is usually one of the best behaved kids there (knock on wood). She liked the aquarium, but we were a little over it since we had been there and to Mote Marine recently. We had a fun day with the cousins though.

No big plans this weekend, but hopefully we'll find something fun. I am typing in the dark since Brent went to bed, so I'd better sign off.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Deep Thoughts...

Ava has been so good this past week, and such a chatter box. My favorite phrase of hers is "I see the _____!" It could be a plane, or the moon, or a bird. She says it with such enthusiasm and joy, and it comes out sounding Jamaican - "Aye see de plane!" or "Aye see de burd." I love it that she can actually sing now and recite nursery rhymes. The other night in the bath she started singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." She claps for herself everytime she finishes, even if she leaves out half of the words. Today I caught a glimpse of her at work, and she was behind Ashley, running out to the play room while saying to herself, "Ava comin!" She also remembers and stores way more information than I think, and she'll suprise me with it sometimes. It's bittersweet for me. On one hand, I am so proud when I hear her say a nursery rhyme or correctly identify something new. But on the other, I think of how fast these times are going, and before long this will pass and she will just keep gettig bigger. Also, I feel sad that I am not the one who taught her some of these things, that she learned them from Ashley or her teachers. It is great that she has people around her who care about her and teach her, but it makes me feel like I should be doing more. I know, that is silly.
Shocker - I just realized I don't have any new pics to post. They are still on the camera and I am too lazy to download them. Maybe tomorrow!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bad Blogger.

Ava has been enjoying school. This was her third week - the first week went fine, the second week wasn't so good, but this week was great. I think the first week she didn't quite know what to make of it, and we had built up a little excitment. The second week she knew what it was about, she knew mommy left and lots of strange kids and adults were around, and she wasn't happy. She only had one bad morning, and it was much harder on me than it was on her. Walking away from her while she cried for me and ran to the door was extremely hard, and actually brought me to tears. However - I found out from one of the other mom's that it only lasted a minute and then she got distracted and was fine. This week, she went right out to the playground without even waiting for me, and she gave me a kiss and said "bye bye" and that was that. She only goes 2 mornings a week, so it isn't bad at all, and she does have a lot of fun. Her favorite thing to do is swing. Plus her buddy Max is there with her so she has a familiar face.
Please disregard this bragging moment, but she is so smart it amazes me. The things she picks up on and so quickly - it's a wonderful thing. She can now say 75% of her ABC's, she recognizes her name when spelled out, she can point out circles, squares, stars, hearts and triangles. She recites Patty Cake, and has learned Humpty Dumpty somewhere along the way. She also recites lines from books we read her, and is working on numbers 11 thru 15. She has 1 thru 10 down. She also tries to repeat everything we say, including the bad stuff. So far, it's been "crap" "suck" and "dammit."
Okay, and now I'm done. The posts have been seriously lacking, and I'm not sure anyone even looks at this anymore, but for Ava's sake, I am going to keep posting. I want her to be able to read this stuff when she's older.
Ava at Mote Marine

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Ducks follow us wherever we go...