Friday, June 09, 2006


Soooo...shots. She took it a lot better than last time. I did not take it as well. I was cowering in the corner with tears in my eyes. Hopefully each time will get a little easier. Ava is doing good; she now weighs 15 lbs which is the 75th percentile and is 25 3/4" long, which is the 90th percentile. Tall baby! She was in such a great mood all day yesterday, but today she was such a bear. Normally she is such a happy baby in the morning but today she woke up crying her head off, and was just grouchy all day. I know it's because the shots made her not fell well. I hope she's back to normal tomorrow.

After the doctors we stopped by my old workplace since we were right down the street. However, I did not go up to the office. I called my old boss Summer from the lobby and told her to come down and see us. If you've ever heard me talk about the company that I used to work for, then you know that the owner of the company is a bit paranoid. Security there was very high, we had to scan our fingerprint to get in the door. Anyway, they have this policy about ex-employees; no matter how good the circumstances were, ex-employees do not come back to visit. I didn't know if they would even let me in the door, so I just decided not to go up. There are some people there that I don't care to see anyway. Summer, Leslie and Stephanie came down and met Ava, and she was great for them. I have to admit that being back there kind of made me miss that life, just a little bit. But I wouldn't trade what I have now for anything.

So today is my 28th birthday. Blah. I kinda forgot about it until my friend from Utah called to wish my happy b-day. Brent arranged for his mom to babysit the bear, so we went out to dinner by ourselves for the first time since she's been born. It was very nice, although I was just a tad anxious. Tonight was also Ava's first car ride without me or Brent, and not in our car. All was fine, I just need to get over this FTMS - first time mother syndrome. Brent's mom has only had like, 4 kids or something and buntches of grandkids. I think she can handle our little bear.

Well, it is late and I desperately need some beauty sleep.

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