Thursday, July 27, 2006

Money Pit

Well, this was going to be a happy post but unfortunatly, I am in a not so happy mood. I'll get into that after I talk about Ava's doctor's appointment. She went in today for her 6 month check-up, and we went as a family. She was a little cranky to begin with since we had been running around all morning, and she just didn't want to be at the doctor's. I don't blame her, who likes to be naked in the doctor's office? They checked her vision too, which was really strange. They hook electrodes to the different parts of her head, and have her look at a screen with crazy black and white images on it. Then they cover each of her eyes with a patch, like a pirate, and have her look at stuff. That's how they can tell if a baby has a lazy eye. She was fine, her vision is fine, no lazy eye. She is now 17.6 lbs (75th percentile) and 27.5" (95th percentile). Everything looked good, no problems at all. Her shots were bad though, she had her worst reaction yet. She didn't so much scream as roar. I of course cried. I am hoping that she doesn't feel too bad tomorrow since she has to be with me in the baby sitting room.
After the doctor's we met up with my sister at my parent's house. It was good to see her, it's been a longtime. Luckily Ava's mood had improved, so her and Ava played for a while.
On to why I am not happy, we came home to a busted pipe. It is leaking in the wall behind our kitchen cabinets. We've had a pipe bust under the floor before, and we had to call Sleuth to locate the leak, they had to pull up the tile and sledge-hammer a hole in the foundation and put a temporary patch on the leak. Then we had to have a plumber come out and repair the pipe, then fill in the hole and re-lay the tile. This all cost a lot of money. So now we have to have Sleuth come out again to find the leak, and they will have to bust through our cabinet and through some drywall. In the meantime, we have to keep our water turned off so as not to further any water damage. That means when I have to take a shower, etc., I have to walk outside and turn the water on, and then go back out after and turn the water off. I am hoping that Sleuth can come out tomorrow to at least temporarily fix it so that we can keep the water on until the plumber comes out. We just don't have the money for this right now, but this is life for us. We take one step forward and then something happens that puts us three steps back. Anyway, it's depressing me, so on to the pictures. P.S. I might not be posting as often because I think we might cancel our cable internet connection. We might try to hook up DSL or something, but we might be without internet for a while. Please keep checking the blog, I will keep posting as much as I can.
Bear in her cute onesie
Looking cute on the couch
Daddy and Ava at Dr. Ted's Circus
Ava and her binky
Ava giving Nicky kisses
Ava and Nicole
A family picture
Same one, a little different
Ava and Aunt Nicole
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