Sunday, May 04, 2008

Happy Birthday

dear Isabelle! Yesterday Ava went to her first official birthday party (other than hers). It was at Playaway, which is kind of like a Gymboree. She was the BEST! She had been there a few times before with Giuliana and the other kids, but I had never been there, and I was amazed at how well Ava listened to the instructor and followed directions. She was the youngest participant (Isabelle turned 5) and she held her own and did a great job. She was very patient while waiting for cake, she sang "Happy Birthday" with all the other kids, and clapped when Isy blew out the candles. What a great kid. I took a TON of pictures, but since the kids were running like crazy I got a lot of arms and the backs of heads. Here are some good ones:

Having fun with Isy

The terrifying ball pit of doom


Ava's first piniata whacking! She actually knew the purpose of the bat!

Ava on the zip line

The aftermath. That is blue lollipop on her mouth. She fell asleep while eating it.


Jackie said...

Wow..that place looks like so much fun!

Cory said...

Aww, looks like she had a great time. I wish they made a place like that for grown ups LOL...being too big for the ball pit stinks =(