Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby!

Ava is 2 years old tomorrow, at exactly 11:11pm. We already had a little family party for her this past Saturday, and much fun was had by all. Tomorrow she has school in the morning and then we are having another small celebration at my work with Isabelle and Max. Should be lots of fun too. I think after that I am putting us all on a sugar vacation. I have been eating way too much of it lately. She got a lot of great presents, and her favorites so far are the Backyardigans guitar from Aunt Gina & Uncle Eric, and the kitchen set we got her.

Ava had her 2 year check up today, and it went really well. This was the first appointment that Ava really knew what was going on and could communicate it. I had to explain to her about the doctor, and what he was going to do and what to expect. The only thing that came as a suprise was when they pricked her finger to get a blood sample. When she saw the blood she got a little freaked. Then it was over and she was fine. They tried to put a band-aid on her and she wanted nothing of it. She hates band-aids. She much prefers booboo bunnies.
Her weight is 27 lbs (55%) and her height is 34.5" (75%). She is still tall for her age. AND, I must brag a bit - the doctor said her language is like that of a 3 year old and she is at least a year advanced in that department. He even double checked her birthdate to see that she was just 2. Ava has been speaking in complete sentences for months, and a lot of people comment on how well she talks.
Speaking of talking, in the doctor's office waiting room she touched my pants and said, "I love these pants Mommy." Then she saw my keys in my pocket and said, "I love these keys." That is her newest thing - saying she loves stuff. She also told me to come sit on her lap today. Sometimes I wonder how much she really knows. Today I was watching the news about Heath Ledger dying and I said, "I can't believe he died!" and she said, "Don't say that Mommy." Like she knew I was talking about something bad.

I love to compare her past and present pictures, so here they are. I can't believe that at this time last year she was just starting to take steps, and now she is a walking, talking KID.

This Year

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Happy Birthday Ava!!!!