Thursday, January 03, 2008


This past year was just an amazing time in my life and in Ava's. There were so many exciting firsts. This year, Ava turned 1 year old and had her first party. She started walking right around that same time, although I consider February 14th as the day she officially became a walker. She started talking, and I honestly don't really know what her first word was. I think it was "mama" but she used to say it "mamamamama." It seemed like she didn't have a first word, but rather words, and it was hard to tell if she was saying things on purpose or if it was just sounds.
She went on her first plane ride, to New Jersey, and she started pre-school in August, 2 mornings a week.
She now tells us "I love you" on a regular basis, and can communicate just about everything she wants or feels. The other day on the ride home, I "yelled" at her because she was whining in the car. When I was done she said, "you hurt my feelings mommy." That both made me melt and feel like crap at the same time. I knew she must have learned that from school or from being around Isabelle and Max. I know I have said this before, but everyday she says something new that amazes me.

2006 was an amazing year, but it was also very stressful. Ava was born, I quit my job, then at one point was working three jobs. Dealing with new-parent worries, with job stress, and all of that was not a lot of fun. In 2007, I got down to 1 job, in a very fortunate work environment for a parent. My ultimate goal was to never put Ava in daycare, and I found a job (or it found me)- that allowed me to make money while bringing her with me, in a positive home environment. Brent is doing well at his job and received a promotion, and with it a much deserved raise. Ava is beautiful and amazingly smart and loving.

I don't like to make New Years resolutions, but I do like to set goals for myself. I'd rather not say what they are, but hopefully I will reach most of them. Ava will be 2 this month, and while that age has a bad rap, I am looking forward to what this year will bring.

Ava and the famous Uncle B, Giuliana and Jessica

Ava serenading the group

Christmas morning aftermath

My sister bought her the skates. Thanks Nic.

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