Friday, May 18, 2007

Holiday, Far Away....

We leave for vacation tomorrow night! Technically we are flying on Saturday but we are going to my sister's house and spending the night tomorrow night since she lives 10 mins away from the airport. I am a little overwhelmed right now with things to do, but am trying not to freak. There is still much packing to be done and even some laundry and house-cleaning and very little time to do it. I am really excited! I've been checking the weather up there and it looks a bit yucky, only in the 60's, but I'm hoping it warms up. I bought Ava the cutest summer stuff and I want to show her off in it! I am so excited for Ava's first flying experience, I am not even letting myself think about what could go wrong. We are buying the portable DVD player. That was a last minute decision that I think we will be happy about. Three hours on a plane, on our lap, and I'm sure someone is going to go nuts, whether it be her, us, or another passenger.
Please check the blog, I'm going to try to post from up there. Be back soon with lots of pictures!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Alissa- Have a great time! I hope flying with Ava goes well! Keep us posted:)

Oh, and thanks for the sleeping comment you left on my blog. It makes me feel better that I'm not the only one:)