Monday, March 12, 2007

Sometimes you feel like a blog...

and sometimes you can't think of anything to write about. We've been busy bees lately, but this week Brent has Spring Break off from school, so we get to be like a normal family for a whole week! Tonight we actually made dinner and ate...together! Kind of. Whenever we eat we usually feed Ava first and then we try to eat. She usually would rather eat sitting on our lap and off of our plates then eat in her high chair. I don't usually let her do that, so she usually just tinkers around while we wolf down some food.
In big news, Ava is pretty much off the binky! Friday night was the first night we tried it, and it was pretty much a disaster. The way we would normally do it was to put her to bed without the binky, but it would be in the crib and she would put it in her mouth as soon as we put her in there. Friday the binky went missing from the crib. She was okay at first, but she began to cry soon after we left the room. After about 10 minutes we went in there and she had worked herself up to where nothing would comfort her. We gave her the binky, I tried rocking her, I laid on the floor with her..she just cried. After 30 or so minutes, she finally calmed down, and with binky in mouth, fell asleep. Since then, she has not had the binky at night, and we all survived. No crying.
She is working on learning the parts of her body now. She knows hands, head, belly, toes, eyes & ears (sometimes), mouth, and knees. Sometimes she knows shoulders too. Her 2 front teeth popped out so quickly too. In the morning, when it's time to go to work, she walks to the door and looks at me like, "let's get out of here!" She even gets my shoes for me. She has started to try to wear my shoes. She loves being outside, and she loves playing ball. She knows birdies and she points to the sky. She loves doggies and she loves ducks. Today she had her first glass of real grapefruit juice and she didn't even make a face. Her favorit foods are noodles, especially macaroni and cheese, and bananas (not at the same time). Her absolute favorite things are books. She loves to be read to or just sit by herself and look at them. In the car she will look at a book the whole way to wherever we're going. Her favorite one, besides the big animal picture book (see previous post) is Barney Plays Nose to Toes. She acts out the pictures; when it says "March your feet up and down," she kicks her feet. When it says "Wave your arms all around," she waves them. At any time I can say those phrases, and whatever she's doing she will stop and march or wave. She makes the cutest sounds, and she is the sweetest girl. She gives so many kisses, and she has learned to not open her mouth when she gives them.

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