Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Brat Attack

Ava is going through such a cranky phase right now. I think she might be teething. One minust she is fine, and the next she is screaming like we just stuck her hand in a fire. She has been really clingy too, she wants to be held more than ever. If I am standing at the kitchen counter doing something, she will wedge herself between me and the cabinets and whine for me to pick her up. She never usually acts this way, but the past few days if we aren't doing what she wants to be doing, she lets you know. It was time to go home from work the other day and she was having fun playing on the bed with Max and Ashley. Ashley took Ava off the bed so that we could leave and Ava sat down and threw the biggest fit. She screamed! It gets so frustrating. If this is due to teething then I hope those things pop out quick because this is getting old!
She was a guest at her first birthday party this past Sunday. My friend Christina's daughter was turning 2, and she had a birthday party at a local park. It was a nice day, a little too hot, but nice. It was hard though since Brent wasn't able to go, I was trying to wrangle Ava by myself. She loves being outside and she loved playing on the playground they have, so I was pretty much glued there with her. When I picked her up to walk over to see them blow out candles, Ava fought me. She is suprisingly strong for a baby. When she wants to get down, she makes it very hard to hold her. It is a little embarrassing walking down the sidewalk with a screaming, wriggling baby in your arms. For the most part, she was pretty good, she just got tired there towards the end and needed a nap. When we left she fell asleep within 5 minutes into the car ride home.
Things have been pretty much as usual. I've been working a few more hours this week since it is tax time and they have turned me into their bookkeeper. I'm a little bit of everything there.
Ooohh I almost forgot to mention that we got a family picture taken last Saturday, just the 3 of us. They came out pretty good. The actual pictures will be here on April 6th but we got a picture CD so I will post them on here too. I will be mailing the actial pictures out to family very shortly after I get them. Well this is short but I am typing in the dark since Brent is sleeping, and it is hard to do! Here are some pics!
Brent had the camera on black and white and I didn't know it

Tara, Nathan and Ava. She can get up the slide by herself!

She takes sliding very seriously

1 comment:

hollibobolli said...

Okay, I thought your comment said "girls" but I knew I just saw one picture and I thought.. wow - the child other than Ava is going to have a serious complex. I went back and looked at the comment. I've lost my mind.

Ava is darling. I love that name.

And I'm just amazed at the strength they possess. There were times I had to give Faith breathing treatments when she was a baby that I thought she would snap her own limbs off!!

I love the slide pic! (And the family portrait.. I'm glad I got one of those FIRST POST!!)