Thursday, August 10, 2006

6 Months, 2 Weeks & 4 days old

Baby foods Ava has eaten - bananas, apples, peaches, pears, sweet potatoes (loves!), squash, peas (didn't like so much), green beans, rice cereal, oatmeal. We still feed her in her bouncy seat while we sit on the floor, but we are getting a high chair. We have attempted giving her apple juice in a cup, but she just can't figure out how to sip from a cup yet. She just puts the spout in her mouth and chews on it.

Sleep - Ava sleeps through the night from about 9pm until between 7 & 8am. She takes 2 naps a day, the first around 11am and the second around 4pm, and they last between 45 minutes to 2.5 hours. She sleeps in her crib with her binky (pacifier) and her mobile on. During naps we give her a blanket but at night we don't. We also have my ipod in her room with a "Baby Sleep" playlist of relaxing instrumental music. Sometimes we will rock her for a bit before bed, but most of the time we just give her a bottle and then put her in the crib and she's fine.

Ava's favorite toys - Ava loves to play with her Baby Einstein blocks, her soft Elmo book, and her turtle that plays a song when you push his head down. She also enjoys sitting in her Exersaucer out on the patio. She is not really into the swing or being in her Pack and Play. She loves playing with the pages of magazines and books, and she is fascinated with telephones. She also loves hands, and loves to play with our fingers. She can lay on our bed with us and play with our hands, and she loves when I take my hair down and brush it over her face. And she loves being in the infant carrier strapped to us. She will let us walk her around forever as long as she is in that thing.

Movement - She rolls over like crazy, that is her main form of moving around. She can roll around her room and turn in a complete 360. On the bed she does this weird "crawl" where she puts her face down on the bed and pushes with her feet. She doesn't do this anywhere else but the bed, I guess because it's soft on her face. She still can't sit up on her own, although she tries really hard. She can hold herself up if we put her in a sitting position.

Television - We have really limited the amount of time that Ava sees TV, but when we do have it on for her we have it on Noggin. It is TV specifically for toddlers and preschoolers, and there are NO commercials at all and it is all educational. Her favorite things on there is Moose, the host, and Dora the Explorer. She also like Blues Clues (okay, maybe I like this one a little more than she does) and Pinky Dinky Doo.

Songs - Ava has always loved the ABC's, her face just lights up into this huge smile when I sing it. She also loves the "Itsy Bitsy Spider", mostly because of the hand movements that go with it. I am the singer most of the time since Brent will not sing. She likes "You Are My Sunshine" and I just started doing "Little Bunny Foo-Foo."

Temperment - this is a hard one. The morning is definitely her happy time, she usually wakes up with a smile on her face. As long as she's not hungry or tired, she's a pretty good baby. But she does get bored easily and she likes to be entertained. She has that "first baby syndrome" where she's used to being picked up and kind of catered to. We are trying to shake things up a bit by bringing her to my work, getting her used to the noise of other kids and trying to get her to nap other places besides home. We also don't pick her up when she fusses, we let her go for a bit. Late afternoon/night time is her fussy times.

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