Sunday, May 28, 2006

Under Cover

On an episode of Sex and the City, Miranda is describing how her baby son Brady won't stop crying for no apparent reason. She says, "If he were a 35 year old man, now is the time we would break up." Well, if Ava were a 27 year old girl, now is the time that we might not be friends anymore. She has been really cranky the past couple of days. Also, she is incredibly squirmy, which makes getting her dressed, changing her diaper, and feeding her incredibly frustrating. I need an extra set of hands to hold her down. In her crib we have one of those sleep positioners that are supposed to keep her from rolling over onto her stomach. Well it really is no match for her. Actually, she just ends up getting stuck on her side, and then starts crying. This morning when I went in to get her, she was rolled over onto her stomach and the sleep positioner was at the other end of the crib. Don't know how that happened.

Well, I started this post 2 days ago and am just now getting around to finishing it. I am lacking the motivation to do much of anything these days. For Memorial Day, Brent took Ava over to his parent's house for a cook out, but I was just too out of it to go. All I wanted to do was lay down and watch TV or sleep. I felt like I needed some time all by myself. It was kinda nice but they were gone for 4 hours and I missed Ava.

Tomorrow I start Summer camp at the Y. Let's hope that it's better than after school care.

It's all about the toes lately.

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