Tuesday, April 08, 2008

These Days

We have settled into a pretty comfortable pattern these days. We work, then we cook and have dinner together when we get home. We usually go for a bike ride or a walk after dinner, or just play outside. And it's nice.

Ava is still having behavior issues, but I pretty much chalk it up to normal 2 year old behavior. What can you do? She is super sweet most of the time when we are at home. It seems to be mostly when I am working and she is with Giuliana and the kids that she has her bad moments. Not that she never has them with us, they are just much fewer. I think we have been so spoiled by her up to this point that it kind of shocked us. She was such a good baby, really easy. Now reality has set in, and with it brings new challenges.

She said something pretty funny this evening. The three of us were outside, hanging out in the driveway, and I gave Brent a hug. She said, "Mommy, you gave Daddy a hug?" And I said "Yes Ava. You should give him one too." She got of her tricycle and said (very seriously) "I will. I'm going to marry him." Pretty funny. She got that because Giuliana is getting married to Uncle B, and wedding talk is non-stop. Her 4 year old daughter Isabelle always talks about her mommy and new daddy getting married. Just funny to hear it come out of Ava.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

That is really funny:)