Monday, February 04, 2008

Oh joy

I think I am ready to run away from home. Ava as the worst cold ever and she is just miserable, and in turn everyone is miserable. I am changing my name from "mommy" to some non-verbal symbol. All I have been hearing this weekend is "mooommmmyyy" and "I need a tissue." These are both said in a very whiny, drawn out way. She wants to do nothing but cling to me all the time. I feel so bad for her. She has run a fever the past few nights and she has a terrible cough. She actually coughed so much tonight that she gagged and threw up - in my hand! That was a real mom moment for me. Never had anyone do that before. All of the kids have been sick - Max and Morgan first, then Isabelle, and now Ava. This thing seems to drag on too, so I am expecting it to be days before she is feeling 100% again. I am lucky that she is so healthy, but this one is a doozy.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I hope she feels better soon:)