Saturday, February 16, 2008

Nothing New

I haven't blogged in while because nothing new has been going on. We are just hanging out. Ava is doing great, full of energy, but such a good girl. She is very sweet, and likes to give compliments, kisses, and I love you's. One of her new things is "boo boo bunnies" and ice packs. If you don't know what a Boo Boo Bunny is, click here to find out. These are excellent gifts for a baby shower or baby birthday. Anyway, Max has always had boo boo bunnies, but we never had them here at our house. Ava loves them and I have no idea why. For every little thing she wants a boo boo bunny. When we're at our house, she will go in the freezer and get 1 particular ice pack that we have, and use that as a boo boo bunny instead. It's just weird that she wants one all of the time. She usually never has a boo boo, and if she does, she doesn't even use it for the intended purpose. She will just carry it around and play with it. She used our ice pack so much that it sprung a leak and had to be thrown away last night. I think we are going to break her of this boo boo bunny addiction by not replacing it.

One bit of exciting news (for us) is that we just booked a cruise to the Bahamas in May. The biggest thing about it is that this trip is "parents only" - Ava will be staying with Grandma & Grandpa! I have mixed feelings - on the one hand, I am looking forward to relaxing and doing absolutely nothing. On the other, I am going to miss her like crazy and I'm afraid she'll like it at Grandma's house so much she won't want to come home with us! Not really (but kinda). We are only going to be gone for 4 days but that is the longest we've gone not seeing her, and I am going to miss her so much and will probably worry a lot too. However, I know that is important to do things like this once in a while and we will all survive.

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