Thursday, November 15, 2007


I haven't been good about posting! Ava has been being such a bear lately that I think the terrible two's came early. Her favorite word is "NO!" and everything that comes out of her mouth is whiney. Actually, she seems to go between being totally silly and playful to the next minute being cranky and whiney. I am working so hard with her on "please" and "thank you" and it is wearing me out. She's pretty good with the "thank you's" but not good at all with "please." One amazing thing is that this week she pooped on the potty for the first time. I'm pretty sure that is baby-blog worthy. At least to me and Brent it is. Saturday we took her to Busch Gardens again and she was a grump. She had the most fun on the carousel, and she made us ride it at least 6 times. She LOVES the rides, and she shows no fear. Sometimes her cousins can go with her, but other times they are too big so she has to go on herself, and she is totally fine with that. She is my little daredevil.

She has been doing a lot better in school. I had a conference with her teachers on Nov.9 and they agreed that the transitions with the teachers has been hard, but they still feel it is beneficial for her to be there. I will keep her there as long as I feel it is still productive for her, and they believe that it is. She has not been crying when I drop her off, and Wednesday they said she didn't cry the whole time.

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