Friday, July 27, 2007

Poo Poo

Big news today - Ava poo poo'd on the potty today. Of course, I wasn't in the bathroom to see it - I was working in the other room, but Ashley put her on the potty seat and...poop. This is big news. Ava is getting to the point where she can tell us when she pee pee'd or poo poo'd in her diaper. That means she is a little closer to telling us before she tinkles or caca's, and when that happens, potty training is in full swing. So far, all of the major transitions in her life have been quick and painless (knocking on soooo much wood). Sleeping through the night, getting rid of the binky, no more bottles... all very easy. I can only hope that getting rid of diapers goes as smoothly.
She is getting very good at putting 2 word sentences together now. The first sentence she ever said was "papa sleeping." I don't remember exactly when that was - maybe May or June. Then she said "bye doggy." Now she can say "plane sky" and "dark clouds." Earlier today, I had made myself a cup of coffe at work and it was sitting on the counter. I never drink coffee at home, neither does Brent. I picked Ava up and she pointed at the cup and said "coffee." I was amazed - where the heck did she learn that and how did she know it was coffee? My favorite new thing that she is saying now is "Aw man!" She learned that thanks to Dora the Explorer and me. If you're familiar with Dora, you know that Swiper the Fox always says "Aw Man!" Then one night at home Ava was spilling the milk out of her sippy cup and I said it. She immediatley copied me. It sounds so funny. She is so verbal. She can count to ten if we are counting with her. I start with one, and she fills in most of the rest of the numbers, and when she gets to ten she always claps her hands. We are also working on ABC's and she can say a few letters, but mostly she just watches my mouth very closely as I say them and mouths along.
She goes to the doctor on Thursday for her 18 month check up. No shots, just measurements and I need to get her vaccination paperwork for pre-school. I have pictures to post, and will get on that tomorrow.

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