Thursday, April 12, 2007


With each new phase that Ava goes through, there are good things and bad things that come about. Right now, it seems like she learns something new everyday. She is always trying to say a new word, or master a new skill, or play a new game. Today she tried to blow bubbles for the first time, and she actually blew a couple! That was after she stuck the bubble wand in her mouth a little. But it was so great to see! She is trying to say the word "bubble" too. She is learning hot and cold, and when I sang the song "Ring Around the Rosy" she spun around and she fell down at the right time. She knows how to take the dirty diaper and put it in the trash can, and she does it after every diaper change - even when we're not at home! Today she did it at the Y. She has a favorite stuffed animal now, we call it her snuggle bunny. It's a soft pink bunny rabbit that plays music. She hugs it and loves on it when we give it to her, and she sleeps with it. These are all of the great things.
One of the bad things is that she has been very whiny and clingy lately. Wherever we are she doesn't want me to leave the room. Where I work they have the kitchen and living room seperated by one of those baby gates. You can't see into the kitchen from the living room, and I have to go through the kitchen to get to the room that I work in. When we go to work I hang out with her and Max for a few minutes, and get her playing with something. When I think she is sufficiently distracted, I attempt to make my exit. As soon as I get one leg over that gate she starts crying. I usually ignore it and she stops after a minute. When I come back in the room, she runs over to me and wants me to hold her. She wants me to hold her all of the time now! She was always such an independant baby that this new phase takes me by surprise. When I am standing in the kitchen, she will wedge herself between me and the cabinets in order to get me to hold her. She wraps her arms around my legs and buries her face. She hugs on me and climbs on me and basically wants me to be around at all times. I love that she misses me so much and wants to love on me, but it gets frustrating when I need to do things around the house or when I have to go to work.
I just tell myself to enjoy this time, because it probably won't last for long. There will surely come a day when I will have to corner her to get a hug, and beg her to hang out with me instead of hanging out in her bedroom or with her friends all the time. To her, right now I am the coolest thing going. It's hard to believe, but one day she won't think that. That is depressing. I love you Ava, I hope you always love me as much as you do now.
How cool is this? Rockstar.

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