Saturday, November 18, 2006


I haven't been good about keeping up with the blog lately, and I feel really bad. We've just been crazy busy. I am transitioning from working at the Y to working at that other job. I am really looking forward to having afternoons and evenings off, and getting Ava out of that baby sitting room. It wasn't that bad, but some of the kids were so bad an I could hardly give Ava attention, and a couple of times she got hurt in there. They have this little car that kids sit on and zoom around the room (they push it with their feet) and a couple of times Ava's fingers got run over because the kids weren't watching where they were going. I wanted to take that car out to the parking lot and run it over with my truck. I hate that car.

Anyway, one thing is worrying me - on Wednesday I noticed that Ava had a bite of some kind on her back. It is right above her butt and just inside the back of her diaper.It is really red, kind of hard, almost like a callous, and about the size of a nickel. I was afraid it was a spider bite. It doesn't seem to bother her at all, even when we touch it, so I wasn't going to do anything and just keep an eye on it. Well today Brent and I both noticed that she was acting a little weird. She wasn't talking as much as she usually does, and she just seemed quiet and less active. I'm afraid she isn't feeling well and I'm afraid it's because of the bite. While we thought it was getting better, Brent said it looked worse tonight than it did last night. I am definitely taking her to the doctor on Monday. We are leaving to go out of town on Tuesday and I am not going to take any chances. She could just be getting a cold, since Brent and I have both had cold this month. I really hope she is acting more like herself tomorrow. She sleeps with her butt up in the air most of the time, and the idea that a spider could have been in her crib, and crawled into her diaper disgusts me! I have never seen a biting spider in here, at least that I know of. Brent and I have never gotten bit. I am going to take a picture of the bite.

I have SO many pictures of her that I haven't gotten around to posting. I haven't even loaded them on my computer yet. I will try to do that before we leave for North Carolina. We are very excited to get out of here. I washed all of Ava's new winter clothes and she has some super cute stuff. We just have so much to do before we go. I have to pack for myself and for her, clean out my car, Brent has to find some time to load up the car, clean the house, and I need to go shopping for some stuff we need for the trip. Oh well, we'll get it done somehow.

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