Saturday, November 11, 2006


Ava went to her 9 month well baby check up on Monday. She weighed in at 20.6 lbs (85th %), 29 3/4" tall (95th %), and I forget what the head size is but I think it was in the 25th %. She did great, I was all happy that she didn't have to get any shots until I found out that they recommend babies get a flu shot. Since they recommend it, I said okay. Ava screamed. I hate her shots. It was kind of funny though because when they gave her to me she was crying and looking at them and babbling away, like she was telling them how pissed off she was at them. Unfortunately, she has to go back in a month to get another one, I guess they do 2 for some reason. Other than that, she was doing great and they said I can start giving her whole milk and weaning her off of formula. I was happy to hear that because it will save us a lot of money on formula. My biggest regret so far with Ava is that I couldn't nurse her, I really tried. It just didn't work for us. I am going to try again with the next baby. Anyway, we are starting slowly. She like whole milk, and we only give it to her in a cup. Our goal is to have her off formula and maybe even off the bottle by 1 year old. The hard part is going to be bedtime. I always rock her with a bottle before bed and she falls asleep. It will be a hard transition.

I am already thinking about Ava's first birthday party. I wrote out a guest list and it is close to 50 people! So I'm thinking that we are going to do something outside because that many people will not fit in our house. I don't care that it will be January and might be cold. Actually, if I remember correctly it wasn't very cold when Ava was born. I don't know if I want to have it at our house or a park or something.

It is late and I can't think straight so I am going to bed. I will write more and post pictures tomorrow. I have something I want to rant about too but that will have to be later.

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