Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Easter!

A day late. Oh well. Hope everyone had a nice day yesterday. We went to Sarasota to Brent's brother's house where his family was gathering. Ava participated in her first Easter Egg hunt, and I am proud to say that she found 6 eggs, with a little help of course. However, we forgot them over at their house, so it was all for nothing. We had fun though. Brent's sister-in-law made nice dinner and it was so good to have real food for a change. We've been so busy that we haven't had time to cook an actual meal. More like microwaving something. Hopefully that will change soon. After hanging out at Eric's we went over to my parent's house. We didn't stay there very long because Ava was living up to her nickname - Bear. It wasn't her fault. Because we were away from home for so long, her schedule was all messed up. She wouldn't nap because there was too much going on, too many new faces and noises. So by the afternoon she was a bit cranky. By the time we got home, she was overtired and wouldn't fall asleep, so it wasn't a very fun night. She normally doesn't cry very much at all, she normally just yells for something. Usually food or sleep. Last night she just cried. I put her to bed at 9pm, a little early for her, but she just needed to sleep so bad. She slept through the night until 8am, and she's in a much better mood today.
On Saturday we went out to Boca Grande to my Aunt & Uncle's house. Another Aunt & Uncle from Wisconsin were down and staying over there, so they got to meet Ava. It was nice. I haven't been out there in a long time, and the water was beautiful! It looked the best I've ever seen it. So clear and blue, because it hasn't rained to muck up the water. I just wanted to jump in but we couldn't stay as long as I wanted. I have to go now because I'm starving and she's awake, but for now feast your eyes on some of her Easter pics. The Easter Bunny did bring her a basket but we have yet to take a picture of it! We were going to do it yesterday but she was in such a bad mood when we got home that we didn't. I also took her to Walmart and got her first portraits done but I'll write more about that later.

And this one just cuz it's funny -

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