Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas

Ava has started using "Alissa" when talking on the phone. She'll say "Hi, it's just Alissa. Hi Alissa." When I first heard her do it I thought it was pretty funny. Obviously she has overheard me on the phone. In the car the other day, I asked her what my name was. She said "Dominick."

She loves talking on the phone. She will talk to anyone, and sometimes to no one. Nowadays she talks mostly about Santa Claus and Christmas trees. She will sing songs too. She knows a bunch, and her favorites now are "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." For not even 2 years old, she amazes me with her ability to learn.

Ava also loves fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars. She can spot them all the time. When we're at home and we hear a distant siren, her eyes light up.

Christmas for her should be really fun this year. She sat on Santa's lap and did such a great job. We even got a decent picture. I will scan it soon and post it. Last year she was only 11 months old and cried her eyes out. That was also the night of the ear-piercing torture. Anyway, she is very aware of "Santa," and it looks like she will make out like a bandit. There is one big gift on the way which I am very excited about, but I'll post about it when it actually gets here. And no, it's not a baby brother or sister.

It's very late, so I'll pot pictures another night. Hope everyone has a great holiday!

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