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11:04 PM
Ava and I had a really nice day together today. Brent was in Gainesville watching drag racing so I took Ava to Tampa to visit my sister. She was so good in the car all the way there and back. We stopped at Grampy's house first, and then we continued on to see Nicole's new(ish) apartment. We went out to lunch and then just hung out, watching Finding Nemo. As a hostess/housewarming present we left Nicole a couple of poopy diapers. Enjoy.
Posted by
9:37 PM
Counting down the days to vacation! I could so use it right now. I want to plan a little vacation with Ava too, just don't know where. Now that she's over 2 and can't fly free anymore, it needs to be something CHEAP. Three plane tickets isn't fun. Maybe we will drive to North Carolina and hang out wih Nanny for a while. Being up there forces you to relax because there is NOTHING to do. Seriously. It is the sticks.
Last night we were putting Ava to bed, and she always picks out the books to read. She loves Are You my Mother? and she recited it practically word for word. She flips through the pages and literally recited many of the sentences perfectly. I just laid there listening to her and actually got choked up. I know she's not actually reading, she's just heard the book so many times, but it was so great.
She likes to tell me "Mommy, I just want to give you one kiss." And then when I lean in for one, she kisses me a bunch of times all over my face. On Sunday I took her to the hardware store, and while the guy was helping me pick out the door hinges, Ava started kissing me all over my face. It was kinda funny. I was telling her to stop but I didn't really mean it. The bad thing is she wants me to hold her a lot when we are out. "Mommy, can you hold me?" And she will make it almost impossible not to.
Here are some pics. Everything is going well, she is doing great at school.
Want to know a secret? I have baby fever, big-time.
Posted by
10:37 PM
I haven't abandoned the blog. We've just been busy and I am always tired. Here are some pictures of Ava from pretty recently. She is getting more and more energy everyday, which I guess is why I am tired most nights.
Posted by
9:54 PM