So I think Ava is going through what is known as a "First Adolescence." It is basically the terrible twos, but can start as early as 1 1/2 to 3 years old. She has not been good this week, and even brought Ashley to tears almost. One minute Ava is sweet as can be, and the next minute, she is screaming. She was so good when we were up north, this is very unlike her. I don't think it's her teeth because she doesn't seem to be in pain or anything. It usually happens when we want her to do something or we take her away from someplace she wants to be. Most times she lets out a full on scream, and cries, and even sits down on the floor. When I try to put her in her car seat she kicks her legs. Other times she performs a half-hearted tantrum - not as big as the usual ones, but just a protest. If I am in the room when one of these happens, or even if I am the cause of it, she usually comes running to me crying "mamamamamamamama!" She wants me to hold her, and if I don't pick her up she clings to my legs and cries. I really don't know how to handle this. I try to keep my calm, and I don't pick her up. I feel like if I do, I will be giving her the wrong message. I try to calm her down by talking to her, because literally she freaks out for every little thing! It isn't bad at home, it mostly happens as work too. I will be working and I can hear her having a meltdown. If I go out there to try to help, she will run to me and cling to me. If she is eating lunch, and I go out there to say hi, she will cry to get out of her high chair for me to hold her. If I try to put her down, she wil start fussing again. It is very hard to walk or get anything accomplished when you have a toddler clinging to both of your legs. I am praying that this is just an independance thing, and something that will pass as fast as it has come on. According to Dr. Greene, it will!
On to something happier - I passed my exam today, so I am now a licensed life, health, and variable annuity agent. Yippee. Never in a million years did I ever think I would be in this line of work, but here I am. I have been studying all week, so I am glad to have it over and done with. It was pretty hard. I don't actually sell insurance at my job, but our company manages and recruits agents to sell for Humana. It lets me keep Ava with me so I don't have to pay for day care, and it has a flexible schedule.
Ava will be 17 months this month. Here is what she is up to:
Favorite foods: Cheese (of course), macaroni, macaroni & cheese, spaghetti or ravioli, any kind of fruit, carrots, corn on the cob. We've been trying to expand her diet, and I've let her eat a few bites of a brownie (she loved it, calls it cake) and even a potato chip. She will sometimes eat chicken nuggets or lunch meat, but not often.
Words: Mommy, Daddy, kitty, doggy, bird, bubbles, soap, juice, banana, apple, chicken, cake, clock, phone, book, elmo, big bird, sleep, nose, eyes, toes, belly, Ashley, Papa (refers to any Grandpa), Uncle B, please, no. She will try to mimic just about any word we tell her to say, and she learns a new word a day. She is really doing great with the vocabulary. She can also sign the words "please" and "more."
Favorite song: Ring Around the Rosy (she loves to spin)
Favorite Activities: Blowing bubbles, picking flowers! She will sit in the grass and pick the little tiny purple flowers (weeds). She also picks real flowers, our hibiscus gets picked everyday! Spinning, playing on the couch or bed, reading books or getting read to, watching Barney or Dora, and trying to play with our cat. She also loves playing with phones (they have to be real - she knows the difference). Climbing on everything - the couch, the bed, chairs, the cofee table, whatever.
Sleep - she goes to bed around 9, and sleeps until 7:45 - 8:30am. She takes 1 nap a day, usually around 1 or 2pm, and only for about an hour. I am thinking some of her tantrums stem from being tired, but I can't get her to sleep longer.
First time eating Chinese food:

Looking cute:

I put her to work early: