That would be the Walmart portrait studio. They saw me walking in the door and probably started doing a happy dance that a new, clueless mother was coming in. They thought,"Hey, we can sell her a ridiculous amount of pictures!" And they did. I spent way too much money, and now have a RIDICULOUS amount of pictures of Ava. Don't get me wrong, I love having pictures of her, but now we have tons, and you can only put so many around the house. We would need a much bigger house for all these pictures. And the kicker is that I don't even like half the poses. They took 6 or 7 different shots and I only really like 3. I think Ava is the cutest thing in the world, but she only really has like 1 facial expression in pictures, as you can probably tell from the pictures on the blog. So it is basically all the same picture, just with different backgrounds. Oh well, I'll be giving away pictures to everyone I see.
Ava has been going through some changes lately, and I can't say that I like them all. The good changes are that she is holding her head up so well now, and she has been rolling over from her stomach to her back. She is really trying hard to roll from back to stomach but has yet to do it. She is having little baby conversations with us too. She'll put her eyebrows down and look very serious when she talks to you, and there will be lots of spit bubbles. The bad changes are in the sleep department. She is at war with herself and us over sleep. She does not like to nap during the day. Pretty much the only way we can get her to take a decent nap is by laying down with her on the couch, and then we have about a 50/50 chance of her sleeping longer than 30 minutes. Sometimes she'll sleep for 3 hours, other times it seems like mere minutes. She takes micro-naps. Then there's bedtime. She was the BEST baby when it came to bed time. We would put her in her crib around 10:30pm while she was still awake but half asleep, and she would fall asleep in her crib without a peep. Now, we put her down in her crib and she fusses. We'll go in, put her binky back in and leave, and a few minutes later she's fussing again. This will go on for about a half hour. Sometimes we pull her out of the crib and she's happy as can be. We however, are not. So her bedtime is getting later and later. We are trying to keep her up more during the late afternoon/evening. Last night she was tired around 9pm so we put her to bed early, and she woke us up at 5:30am this morning. Still not too bad, at least she's not waking up during the night for food.
She is sleeping on the couch right now, and it's like a time bomb getting ready to go off. I scramble around the house trying to get as much done as I possibly can, while being very quiet and waiting to hear her wake up. Today we are going to my parent's house to see my Aunt & Uncle from California.

An absolutely horrible picture of me. So it's only fair that I post a horrible picture of Brent too...

He is going to kill me for this.

Her shirt says "Shhhh...Baby sleeping." If only!